Package-level declarations


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open class ActiveButtonWidget(titleSupplier: Supplier<Text>, width: Int, height: Int, activeSupplier: Supplier<Boolean>, pressAction: Consumer<ActiveButtonWidget>, background: ActiveButtonWidget.Background? = null) : CustomPressableWidget

A Button Widget that can supply its message and active state, and render a custom background

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class ClickableTextWidget(parent: Screen, message: Text, textRenderer: TextRenderer) : AbstractTextWidget

A AbstractTextWidget that can process click and hover actions on rendered text

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open class DecoratedActiveButtonWidget(titleSupplier: Supplier<Text>, width: Int, height: Int, decoration: Identifier, activeProvider: Supplier<Boolean>, pressAction: Consumer<ActiveButtonWidget>, background: ActiveButtonWidget.Background? = null) : ActiveButtonWidget, Decorated

An ActiveButtonWidget that allows for parents to render its decoration

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class DecorationWrappedWidget(child: ClickableWidget, decoration: Identifier) : ClickableWidget, Decorated

A widget that wraps another widget with a decoration

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class OnClickTextFieldWidget(textSupplier: Supplier<String>, onClick: OnClickTextFieldWidget.OnInteractAction) : TextFieldWidget

A button widget that masquerades as a text field widget. The text within is not editable.

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class PopupWidget : ParentElement, Narratable, Drawable, SuggestionWindowListener

A widget comprised of a collection of child elements that "Pops up" onto screens that implement me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.PopupParentElement

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interface Scalable

Provides a set width/height method for parents of implementing widgets

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A ValidationBackedTextFieldWidget that provides suggestions for string completion to the user

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class SuppliedTextWidget(messageSupplier: Supplier<Text>, textRenderer: TextRenderer, width: Int, height: Int) : AbstractTextWidget

An AbstractTextWidget that renders text from a supplier of text, not a static text instance

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open class TextlessActionWidget(activeIcon: Identifier, inactiveIcon: Identifier, highlightedIcon: Identifier, activeNarration: Text, inactiveNarration: Text, activeSupplier: Supplier<Boolean>, pressAction: Consumer<TextlessActionWidget>) : CustomPressableWidget

A button widget that is 20x20 pixels and displays a sprite instead of a textual message

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object TextureIds

Defines standard widget sprites used throughout Fzzy Config. May be useful for custom widgets, popups, etc.

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open class ValidationBackedNumberFieldWidget<T : Number>(width: Int, height: Int, wrappedValue: Supplier<T>, choiceValidator: ChoiceValidator<T>, validationProvider: Function<Double, ValidationResult<T>>, applier: Consumer<T> = Consumer { _ ->}) : TextFieldWidget

A TextFieldWidget for entering number values, backed by validation of some sort.

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open class ValidationBackedTextFieldWidget(width: Int, height: Int, wrappedValue: Supplier<String>, choiceValidator: ChoiceValidator<String>, validator: EntryValidator<String>, applier: Consumer<String>) : TextFieldWidget

A TextFieldWidget backed by string validation that can consume and apply strings from/to an outside source

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class VerticalSliderWidget(wrappedValue: Supplier<Double>, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, message: Text, valueApplier: Consumer<Double>) : ClickableWidget

A vertically oriented SliderWidget, works as one would expect a sldier widget to work, but doesn't render the slider value that needs to be done separately via the valueApplier